Monday, 26 November 2007


Isa. 43: 1 -
But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine

This chapter opens with the word BUT. Hebrew scholars say that when but is introduced into a sentence or used to start a new paragraph, it annuls everything that was said before it was brought into the picture. The word 'but' opens a new phase in any matter. No matter where U’ve been or what has happened, a but has been thrown in the way. Every other thing that happened in the past is now done away with. Your failure or loss it doesn’t matter anymore. A new phase is about to begin.

Thus says the LORD: When GOD speaks we ought to pay attention because HIS Word changes everything. Someone once said “One Word from GOD can change your life”. HIS word created the universe and caused everything to come into being.

Ps.119:89 says GOD’s word is settled (established)
Is.55:11 says any word GOD speaks goes on to accomplish its purpose.

Whatever GOD has said concerning you will happen. What U heard in the dark will be made manifest in the light.

The prophet goes on to say that GOD created you. The word, create, means to bring into being from an immaterial (unseen) substance. GOD is Spirit (essentially immaterial)!
In Gen. 1 vs. 27 says GOD created man in HIS image and likeness. Therefore you are from GOD, You issued out of GOD. Therefore you have the power of creativity locked inside you. You have the power to reinvent yourself at every point in time. You have the distinct ability to be predictably unpredictable.

I John 4 vs. 4 says "U R of GOD (from GOD) and have overcome"............

U R born to overcome, win and succeed. GOD has put in your spiritual genes the ability to get to the top and stay on top. Simply put U R not a mere man. U must learn how to move beyond your ordinariness and release your true essence (That’s another discussion entirely).

The writer of our text goes on to say 'GOD made U'. That's plain to see considering the fact that you are beautiful. GOD formed and fashioned your physical body. Tall or short, GOD made you that way for his glory and purpose.

In the B part of vs.1, GOD says “U shouldn’t fear cause HE has redeemed U!” Fear is such a crippling force, but GOD has not given us the spirit of fear. If GOD didn't give it to you, you don't have to keep it. Redemption is such a strong and rich word that we cant exhaust it in a lifetime. But for this lesson I will just say that it depicts the fact that you were taken away and ransom was placed on U, but GOD bought U back. He paid a price for U. If u want to know how much you are worth, U would have to consider the price @ which you were bought. GOD paid for U with the blood of Jesus. U R so priced that GOD. Your value is so high that GOD used his son as the payment for you. You are now GOD’s property. That is enough reason not to fear I guess.

You are not worthless, you are priceless!

He goes on to say that GOD has called you by name. GOD knows your name. He knows you because you belong to him. He knows all about you. Not one hair falls from your head without HIM being aware. He has your details.

Vs. 2 says that when you pass through the waters and fire GOD is with you. The Bible says somewhere that GOD teaches us to make profit. If he can teach us to make profit then he must know how to make profit. You see, GOD is a business man and a brilliant one @ that.

You are GOD’s investment. GOD acquired you @ a price; therefore GOD is committed to U (His investment). U can’t be lost, destroyed or diminished.
No matter what GOD will not give up on you. His care for U is very specific and personal. Ain’t that a comforting thought?

GOD has invested to much in you to leave you alone. That’s why HE said I will never leave you nor forsake you. Even when U don’t feel HIM, He is always with U. He is too committed to you to see you wasted.

vs. 4

You are precious in HIS sight and honoured. If you forget anything, let the fact that GOD loves you stay in your heart. Since I found that out, I bother less about who does and doesn't give a toss about me. GOD is mad about us! If U know what I mean.

In vs. 5 he declares again that you should fear not because HE is with you. GOD does not waste words. So when HE says something twice you best pay attention. He goes on to say that He will bring your stuff no matter how far away they are at the moment. Nobody can take what belongs to you. GOD has given the command for them to release it and give it up. Expect your stuff soon!

GOD says HE calls you by HIS name! (Now that’s deep) and that you are created for HIS glory.

U R created to manifest GOD’s glory from one level to another!

Something for 2008

In Biblical numerology 8 is the number of a new beginning. 2008 is the eight year in the new millennium, this says something to me. I believe 2008 is going to be a year of new beginnings for us in so many ways without an iota of doubt and I’m already buzzing for it.

Isa. 43 vs. 18 -19
“But forget all that –
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do

For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland

I don't know what happened or didn't happen for you in 2007 or the years gone by but Expect new and spectacular things in 2008. Its gon’ be a good year!
Happy new year (beginning) in advance! It's a new day!

Breathe Easy!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics!

According to Mark Twain “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”. You hear that line in your very first statistics lesson. As a graduate of Mathematics and Statistics I have grown to love and use numbers and em…. Statistics. One principle though not overly statistic that has caught my fancy for a while now is the Pareto Principle. The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes. Business management thinker Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that 80% of income in Italy went to 20% of the population. It is a common rule of thumb in business; e.g., "80% of your sales comes from 20% of your clients."

Though Pareto first came up with this assertion in 1906, 100+ years on it is still true. I attended a seminar a while ago and one of the speakers said something that I researched and found out to be true; 80% of the wealth in the world today is controlled by 1% of the world’s population. Crazy mind boggling statistics!

I don’t think I know how to become part of that 1%, but I believe there are life principles that we can all practice to live more fulfilled lives and create the future we desire and deserve.

These thoughts may not all be original or exhaustive, but I believe that there is some veracity and benefit in the following principles.

1. Know where you want to be, where you want to go or the kind of future you want: Research shows that only 5% of the world’s population has an idea of where they want to be. Small wonder the bulk of us are led and somewhat controlled by others. For most of us, by people we do not like.

2. Take responsibility for the direction of your life and not leave the issue of your personal success to chance or fate: If you are an adult I think you should take responsibility for your life. Where you go, what you achieve is all up to you.

3. Have an idea a dream or vision. Identify practical steps to take towards the attainment of your goals and dreams and visions.

4. According to Harold Samuel the three most important things about buying a property are location, location and location. In our quest to get to the future that we desire I would say one of the most important keys to success is that we Plan! Plan!! Plan!!! That point can never be over emphasised. In Deming’s PDCA (PlanDoCheckAct) cycle for quality management, the planning stage is seen as the most important part. Even in project management, planning is given pre-eminence. Your life is a project and you are the manager. Project You needs all the planning that it can use.

5. Find the motivation and inspiration to go the distance and do the things necessary to achieve the future you plan and hope to have. Basically, take action! (Remember PlanDoCheckAct).

Hopefully we will make progress and create the kind of future we want and possibly be part of the select few that control the world’s wealth. All the best as you pursue that future.
Expect Great Things From GOD, Attempt Great Things For GOD - William Carey (1761 - 1834)

Breathe Easy!


This is just a collection of funny stuff to make you laugh.

Wife: Honey..... What are You Looking for?

Husband: Nothing.

Wife: Nothing...?? You've been reading our marriage certificate for anhour??

Husband: I was just looking 4 the expiry date.

Q - What is the Difference between Mother & Wife?

A - One Woman Brings you into this world crying... and the other ensuresyou Continue to do so.

Wife: Do you want dinner?

Husband: Sure, what are my choices?

Wife: Yes and no.

Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office.Why?

Husband: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.

Wife: You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you?

Husband: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, "What other problemcan there be greater than this one?"

Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your worries,troubles andlighten your burden.

Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries ortroubles.

Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet.

Son: Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me togive up my seat to a lady.

Mom: Well, you have done the right thing.

Son: But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.

A newly married man asked his wife, "Would you have married me if myfather hadn't left me a fortune?""

Honey," the woman replied sweetly, "I'd have married you NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU the FORTUNE"

Father to son after exam: "let me see your report card."

Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents."

Interviewer to Millionaire: To whom do you owe your success as a millionaire?"

Millionaire: "I owe everything to my wife."

Interviewer: "Wow, she must be some woman. What were you before you married her?"

Millionaire: "A Billionaire"

Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.

The guy replies: Thanks for the warning. hahahahaha

A wife asked her husband: "What do you like most in me my prettyface or my sexy body?"

He looked at her from head to toe and replied: "I like your sense of humor.

Breathe Easy!


Someone once told a story about driving one joyful Sunday morning to church. He spotted someone from his rear view mirror driving and overtaking very recklessly. Well, he did what any sensible person on the road would do he slowed down and sort of veered to the right. He sped past and him and almost had a head on collision with an oncoming vehicle on the other lane of the road. The driver had to pull a stunt and skid of the road. The driver whose car almost got stopped his car, stuck his head out and rained abuses and curses on the driver, who had sped off to wherever he was in a hurry to. While this story is about was just about driving safe on our roads, it reminds me of how many of us live our lives. Someone hurts us and moves on, while we stop living.

This reminds me of a very silly Nigerian adage “Person wey shit the shit dey forget but the person wey pack am nor dey forget” translation "The person that passed the poo on the floor may forget, but the person that cleaned the floor will never forget".
Please forgive my language.

Many of us for lack of a better word have been pooed on. While some of us still have beef with the "pooer" many of us have refused to take a bath and change our clothing (metaphorically) so we carry the stench of poo around. Some of us have smelt bad for like 10 years. I can see you say Yuk! Awful! I have a friend that refused to date someone for 8 years because he was heartbroken. Sounds like someone you know? Like the old story I heard a while back about a man who had a bird poo on his moustache. He cleaned it off but did not wash it off, but he kept complaining that everything stank. His food stank, the room stank and went on to say that the world stank. The world didn't stink, he had to wash his face and move on.

What I’ve been trying to say in so many words is that though it hurts like crazy, please forgive everyone who has hurt you. Even the ones that will never say their sorry! I have learnt a practice; I forgive people in advance.

Experts from the American Psychotherapy Association assert that some medical conditions are caused by psychological problems. For example unforgiveness, anger and hurts can cause arthritis, ulcer and heart. Some unforgiveness disorders with psychological roots may be chronic insomnia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, tension headaches, high blood pressure, asthma, menstrual and sexual problems. I can testify to the asthma one at least.

After teaching his disciples the principles of what has become the basis of the Faith Movement, Jesus said that when you stand praying, forgive or your heavenly father will not forgive you. Basically we have all sinned against somebody, so on the real we do not have any right not to forgive those who hurt us. That brings back to my mind the words I learnt while still in kindergarten, “and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”.

So if you want answered prayers you can’t live in unforgiveness. Forgiveness has emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual benefits.

I would like to talk about something that is very close to my heart, which spurred me to write today. It is the very poignant subject of self forgiveness. I speak with people who seem to have something against their own selves because of something they did at some point in time. People struggle with so much guilt and shame for things they did in the past or may still be doing that it causes feelings of unworthiness and worthlessness. Some of us are even bitter to themselves.

I will like to announce to announce to anybody struggling with such emotions that GOD is a forgiving GOD. HE is light years better than your daddy. One of the favourite disciples is Peter. He was such an outgoing man who sometimes even put his foot in his mouth.
Anyways on one fateful day, I’m very sure someone had just pissed him off over and again. He walked up to meet Jesus and asked him question, He said “how many times in a day should I forgive my brother?” Jesus answered saying that “if you brother sins against you 70 times 7 times in a day and each time asks for forgiveness, forgive him”. That’s 490 times in a day! Now that’s crazy!

But my thought here is if GOD expects such high standards from us, what do you think he expects of HIMSELF? He said as high as the heavens from the earth so are my ways higher than yours. I’m sure GOD will possibly forgive us 490 billion times in a day if we ask him to. It’s my personal opinion that we don’t have enough years on the earth to exhaust the wealth of the Grace of GOD. He said if we confess our sins “HE is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us”. Does that mean we should go on sinning? I think not! But I’m grateful for his forgiveness anyways.

If you have asked GOD to forgive you, His word says HE has. If GOD has forgiven please forgive yourself, even if you had multiple abortions or committed murder.

GOD said in Isaiah 43:25 "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for My own sake, and remembers your sins no more”. If GOD forgives you for HIS own sake I think you should forgive yourself for your own sake. For your health and well being (both spiritual and physical) please forgive yourself.

There are many people out there going through difficult times, who think they are going through what they are going through because GOD is mad @ them; and sometimes we have people who make us feel that way. I have good news for you; GOD is not mad @ U! His mercy is for life, so forgive yourself and live free!

Have a Brilliant Day!
Breathe Easy!

Wednesday, 7 November 2007


I read somewhere last week that the Elvis Presley is still the king. Actually, he is the king of dead celebrities, again. Presley, who earned an estimated $49 million in the past 12 months, has reclaimed the No. 1 spot on's list of Top-Earning Dead Celebrities. He last topped the list in 2005. That’s some mad sturvs man! I think some where in the list it says that Tupac earned $9 million. That’s in death! Albert Eistein was also in the list somewhere.

It got me thinking about a prophet in the bible that died and left a legacy of debt for his wife and two sons. It was so bad that his sons were almost sold into slavery. Anyways, long story made short, a miracle happened and they got money to pay the debt.

My question is “What Do U Want TO Be Remembered For?” What kind of legacy would you want to live behind?

As we live everyday we are writing our history without even knowing it. I may not be a fan of young under 25 celebrities writing their autobiographies now, but I think they understand the concept that their history is already being written in their today. Your decisions yesterday created your today and your decisions today will create your tomorrow. Your history is already being written.

I am reminded of the Alfred Nobel legend. The erroneous publication in 1888 of a premature obituary of Nobel by a French newspaper, condemning him for his invention of dynamite, is said to have brought about his decision to leave a better legacy after his death. The obituary stated Le marchand de la mort est mort ("The merchant of death is dead") and went on to say,

"Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday."

On November 27, 1895, at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of nationality. He died of a stroke on December 10, 1896 at Sanremo, Italy. He left 31 million kronor (103,931,888 USD2007) to fund the prizes. Incidentally that is what he is remembered for today. I believe we can all change our histories by making quality decisions today. A man's got a right to change his mind eh?

In the words of the legendary Michael Jackson from his single History, from his 1995 album HIStory;

“Every day create your history
Every path you take you're leaving your legacy……………
Every page you turn you're writing your legacy"

The story of your life is already being written. And you are the author!

Q: What is the similarity between Tottenham Hotspurs F.C. and The Taliban?
A: They lure thousands of people to their stadiums, then they torture them.

Monday, 5 November 2007


This is something I wrote a while ago. I think it is something U will need sometime in your life. U may have needed it already, U may not need it now but U sure will need it sometime, maybe next week. If you don’t need it now, that is. It’s about a story in the Bible. One of my favourites.

It’s found in Matthew Chapter 9; somewhere around verse 20(My Bible is not here). It’s about a woman who gets healed while Jesus is going to attend to a man who gets HIM to come heal his daughter who was sick & dying.
It kinda leaves me thinking that U don’t have to be on the 'agenda' to get a breakthrough or a look in. U can still shine with the spotlight on another person. Nice, ain’t it? You may not be on the program but GOD’s got you on HIS agenda.

I'm talking about the lady who had an issue of blood. Well………. Let’s just say she had an issue. We all have issues! If I told U about some of mine you will jump right out of your skin. But let’s forget about my issues 4 now.

She had used up all the funds she had access to and the doctors told her she couldn’t get healed and may never get healed. That was rather devastating news, coming from the authorities of her time. Lets just say they placed limits on her that she could not go past a certain level (Now that what I'm concerned about).

U see, people will place limits on U, Telling U about what U can & can’t do. Where U can & can’t go. What U can & can’t have. They try to box you up in the perimeters of their own imaginations & definitions of you. Please don’t accept their limits & restrictions because there R none. When the Apostle Paul found out this truth he declared that “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me"(Philippians 4:13).
Only God can place limits on people & seeing that HE doesn’t place any limits on U as to what U can achieve don’t let anyone limit U. The limits where taken off U & your path in Christ.
So pursue your wildest dreams & craziest imaginations cause U can.

Achieve what you want to cause YOU'VE GOT THE POWER.(Eph.3:20).

Y'know, methinks it was verse 22, it says' she kept saying 2 herself.'
Its what u say 2 yourself about yourself that matters not what other people say. They may be authorities but they R not the final authority. U ARE!
Speak to yourself only what your Father in heaven says about you cuz your life & death are in the power of your own tongue. (Prov. 18:21).

At the end of the day she got healed. I will like to note that it was not lawful for her (a woman who was in her condition to touch a Rabbi). The Law & life was against her but she had a little faith.
Another story that intrigues me involves Rachael, Benjamin & Jacob. Rachael had a hard time delivering the baby Benji so she named him Benoni ( Son Of Sorrow) but the father, Jacob who was a higher authority changed his name to Benjamin (Son of my right hand). Your mother - (What you've passed thru, your situation) may have given you a name. But I'm glad to announce to you that your heavenly father has given U another name. And it is up to U to let the name HE calls you stick. Your father loves you & HE calls U the 'son' of HIS right hand. So go head Benji & keep saying what HE says about U to U.


Till I hola again always remember that GOD loves you with every fibre of HIS being that’s why HE daily loads you with benefits(Ps 68:19). So take advantage of HIS benefits. It’s on U people!

OneLove & GODBless.

Have a Brillaint Day!

Sunday, 4 November 2007


I am sort of like a News Junkie, so every now and again I check different web sites to know whatsup. While doing my daily rounds, I found some intriguing news in the football gossip column. “Chelsea star Ashley Cole bought his wife Cheryl a £150,000 Bentley but she turned it down because she felt she didn't earn it.”
I was like Blimey!

I can see my ladies reading this going like “Oh My GOD! Why not me?" Yeah! I feel your pain.
The man is your husband, girl! Not your boss. It’s funny though.

But doesn’t that sound like many of us. We ask GOD for stuff and we have a problem receiving it because we think we have to “earn it”. Or we don’t deserve it. For some of us, we say we haven’t paid our dues for it. Anyways, I’d like to say you deserve it because Jesus by HIS blood paid for it. Even though you didn’t work for it, as far as GOD is concerned, you deserve it. That’s GRACE yo! “When people work, for their wages are not a gift but something they have earn”. He is your Daddy, U dont have to earn it!

The simple reason that you deserve it is because HE is your heavenly father. Just imagine you having to earn stuff from your father (even though sometimes parents make us feel like we ought to earn it). Newsflash! GOD is better than your father! According the words of my favourite teacher of all time,
“Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!”
So whatever it is that you are believing for all you have to do really is open your heart to receive it, ‘cause you are worth it!

I had a long conversation with a very good friend of mine earlier today. She felt that things were not going according to plan. She was basically discouraged with life. I know that for many of us, that’s how we feel. Like our dreams may never come to pass, and that life may just be passing us by while others are getting ahead.

This reminds me of two of many favourite stars. The average rapper releases their debut album sometime between when they are 19 and 24. Well Jay Z didn't come on the scene that early in life. His first major release came when he was 27. Forward to ten years later is 2007, he is the richest rapper alive, the President or Def Jam Records, the most important rapper to have ever lived and arguably the best MC of all time.

Samuel L Jackson graduated from Morehouse College in 1972 at the age of 24. Had his big screen debut 16 years later (at the ripe age of 40) in Coming to America as a small time thief (it was quite a minor and forgettable role). After a series of well-reviewed performances, he has since become a major film star and cultural icon, having appeared in a large number of high-grossing films.
In motion pictures that feature him as a leading actor or supporting co-star, his films have grossed a total of $2.28 to $3.95 billion at the North American box office, placing him as the eighth (as strictly lead) or the second highest-grossing movie star. No mean feat I must say!
No matter where you are now, keep dreaming; keep doing what you’ve got to do. Dont forget, it took Joseph 20+ years to see his dream manifest.
It’s not over until the fat lady sings!
For the church going folks, hope you had a great time today. Like my friend says, 'Happy Sunday'!

Have a brilliant week!

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Definition of The N

As a big fan of who I think is arguably the best rapper to ever roc a mic (microphone), the title of his forthcoming album got me a bit curious, like it must have done a lot of people who have heard. I’m talking about Nasir Jones, better known as Nas.
Heralded as the second coming of the god MC, Rakim, he aptly became known as god son. His debut album Illmatic is a Hip Hop masterpiece. Classic may just be a better word. He has dropped many lyrical gems like Made U Look (one of my favs) etc. The way he rocks the mic and his sometimes witty lyricism is truly awesome and his poetry can be deep.
Anyways not to bore with a history lesson about Nas, what this is about like I earlier mentioned is the title of his next album, Nigger!

Yeah! Nigger! if you thought your mind was playing tricks on you the first time. Initially, Nigga was given as the title by Nas several times, including an October 12, 2007 performance at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City on where announced the title and release date, which was confirmed by a source close to the project the next day. There has been uproar since he made the announcement. Top on the list is Rev. Jesse “I Am Somebody” Jackson.
“The title using the ‘N’ word is morally offensive and socially distasteful,” said civil rights activist Jesse Jackson in a statement to Fox News. He also said that “Nas has the right to degrade and denigrate in the name of free speech, but there is no honour in it. Radio and television stations have no obligation to play it, and self-respecting people have no obligation to buy it. I wish he would use his talents to lift up and inspire, not degrade, making a mockery of racism.”
The NAACP and former US Presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton have also joined the bandwagon of critics.

In response Nas said “I’m a street disciple; I’m talking to the streets,” .
He also said “Stay out of our business. You ain’t got no business worrying about what the word ‘nigger’ is or acting like you know what my album is about without talking to me. Whether you in the NAACP or you Jesse Jackson. I respect all of them … I just want them to know. Never fall victim to Fox [News]. Never fall victim to the sh*t they do.”.
“We’re talking power from the word,” Nas added, explaining he wants to strip away its heavy connotation

In this matter, I doubt if I have an opinion considering the fact that I’ve never been racially abused, at least not directly.

Nigger is a pejorative term used to refer to dark-skinned people, mostly those of African ancestry. For centuries, it has held negative connotations, and in modern times it is considered a racial slur in most contexts. Well for sometime now, people of the African American decsent (rappers mostly) have tried to reclaim this word using the he word Nigga (an adaptation of nigger) in most rap/hip hop records.

I remember seeing Ashley Walters, better known as Asher D formerly of Solid Crew in a documentary in a bid to reclaim the word. Nas claims he wants to make the word easy on black people’s ears like the word “cracker” is to white dudes.

Nas has a large following outside the African American market as does Hip Hop itself. A lot of people outside the Black community use this word without any form of pejoration. It is just the amazing power and influence of Hip Hop which has now transcended Bronx to become a global phenomenon.

I remember that a while ago that there was uproar when J-Lo used the word on one of her records, I’m Real to be precise. Doubt she meant any harm though.

In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context. Presently, the word nigga is used more liberally among younger members of all races and ethnicities in the United States, although its use by persons not of African descent is still widely viewed as unacceptable and presumably hostile, even with the disclaimer of using it 'in jest' or without intentional prejudice. In addition to other races other thanAfrican Americans, have adopted the term as part of their vernacular.

Nas, seems to like to stir up some controversy though. When he named his last album “Hip Hop is Dead” rappers in the dirty South went all crazy. From Young Jeezy saying Nas had no “street cred” to Ludacris wearing a T-Shirt with “Hip Hop is not Dead it lives in the South” imprinted on it. Anyways the Nigga’s gone platinum with “Hip Hop is Dead” already. So I guess he just wants to get in the public’s eyes, ears and all their senses.

Will he be able to pull this off? I guess not. One major reason is that it won’t be sold in HMV etc with an offensive title like that. This whole thing is about the commerce so Nas will not put an album out that will not be distributed by the major retailers. My take is that he will go with “The N”. Though I think he will be trying to make a statement though. One thing is for sure, that brother is deep and intelligent

As for me, I am just waiting for another classic from God’s son.

I will like to hear you opinions on the album title. What do you think about the album title "Nigger" and the use of the N word? Do you think Jesse Jackson is overreacting? Do you think that its time the sting was taken away from the word? Does the word offend you? Please post your comments.

Have a brilliant day y’all.