Monday, 26 November 2007


Isa. 43: 1 -
But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine

This chapter opens with the word BUT. Hebrew scholars say that when but is introduced into a sentence or used to start a new paragraph, it annuls everything that was said before it was brought into the picture. The word 'but' opens a new phase in any matter. No matter where U’ve been or what has happened, a but has been thrown in the way. Every other thing that happened in the past is now done away with. Your failure or loss it doesn’t matter anymore. A new phase is about to begin.

Thus says the LORD: When GOD speaks we ought to pay attention because HIS Word changes everything. Someone once said “One Word from GOD can change your life”. HIS word created the universe and caused everything to come into being.

Ps.119:89 says GOD’s word is settled (established)
Is.55:11 says any word GOD speaks goes on to accomplish its purpose.

Whatever GOD has said concerning you will happen. What U heard in the dark will be made manifest in the light.

The prophet goes on to say that GOD created you. The word, create, means to bring into being from an immaterial (unseen) substance. GOD is Spirit (essentially immaterial)!
In Gen. 1 vs. 27 says GOD created man in HIS image and likeness. Therefore you are from GOD, You issued out of GOD. Therefore you have the power of creativity locked inside you. You have the power to reinvent yourself at every point in time. You have the distinct ability to be predictably unpredictable.

I John 4 vs. 4 says "U R of GOD (from GOD) and have overcome"............

U R born to overcome, win and succeed. GOD has put in your spiritual genes the ability to get to the top and stay on top. Simply put U R not a mere man. U must learn how to move beyond your ordinariness and release your true essence (That’s another discussion entirely).

The writer of our text goes on to say 'GOD made U'. That's plain to see considering the fact that you are beautiful. GOD formed and fashioned your physical body. Tall or short, GOD made you that way for his glory and purpose.

In the B part of vs.1, GOD says “U shouldn’t fear cause HE has redeemed U!” Fear is such a crippling force, but GOD has not given us the spirit of fear. If GOD didn't give it to you, you don't have to keep it. Redemption is such a strong and rich word that we cant exhaust it in a lifetime. But for this lesson I will just say that it depicts the fact that you were taken away and ransom was placed on U, but GOD bought U back. He paid a price for U. If u want to know how much you are worth, U would have to consider the price @ which you were bought. GOD paid for U with the blood of Jesus. U R so priced that GOD. Your value is so high that GOD used his son as the payment for you. You are now GOD’s property. That is enough reason not to fear I guess.

You are not worthless, you are priceless!

He goes on to say that GOD has called you by name. GOD knows your name. He knows you because you belong to him. He knows all about you. Not one hair falls from your head without HIM being aware. He has your details.

Vs. 2 says that when you pass through the waters and fire GOD is with you. The Bible says somewhere that GOD teaches us to make profit. If he can teach us to make profit then he must know how to make profit. You see, GOD is a business man and a brilliant one @ that.

You are GOD’s investment. GOD acquired you @ a price; therefore GOD is committed to U (His investment). U can’t be lost, destroyed or diminished.
No matter what GOD will not give up on you. His care for U is very specific and personal. Ain’t that a comforting thought?

GOD has invested to much in you to leave you alone. That’s why HE said I will never leave you nor forsake you. Even when U don’t feel HIM, He is always with U. He is too committed to you to see you wasted.

vs. 4

You are precious in HIS sight and honoured. If you forget anything, let the fact that GOD loves you stay in your heart. Since I found that out, I bother less about who does and doesn't give a toss about me. GOD is mad about us! If U know what I mean.

In vs. 5 he declares again that you should fear not because HE is with you. GOD does not waste words. So when HE says something twice you best pay attention. He goes on to say that He will bring your stuff no matter how far away they are at the moment. Nobody can take what belongs to you. GOD has given the command for them to release it and give it up. Expect your stuff soon!

GOD says HE calls you by HIS name! (Now that’s deep) and that you are created for HIS glory.

U R created to manifest GOD’s glory from one level to another!

Something for 2008

In Biblical numerology 8 is the number of a new beginning. 2008 is the eight year in the new millennium, this says something to me. I believe 2008 is going to be a year of new beginnings for us in so many ways without an iota of doubt and I’m already buzzing for it.

Isa. 43 vs. 18 -19
“But forget all that –
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do

For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland

I don't know what happened or didn't happen for you in 2007 or the years gone by but Expect new and spectacular things in 2008. Its gon’ be a good year!
Happy new year (beginning) in advance! It's a new day!

Breathe Easy!


shhhh...cough...wink...nudge... said...

As you have said, so shall it be unto you.

I also pray for Nigeria, that the nation may know peace.
And may 2008 bring new peaceful beginning and prosperity.

Anonymous said...

Let God reign in this Land

Lindah said...


lemonade factory said...

hey the enigma,i tagged u

Kafo said...

i'm taking the BUT to the bank


i needed this

i heard some pastor preach something like this but he sued the nevertheless statement found in the end of 1 Sam. to describe David's life and legacy

Anonymous said... been long gone.

deola said...

Amin oooo